Juanele Villanueva

Hi there! I am originally from Malaga (Spain) I lived in the UK for over six years. After finish my masters in International Journalism for Digital Media, I decided to dedicate myself passionately to Environmental Journalism. I'm not an advocate either a denialist. Not everything is purely imaginary. Just my green poney. And, Sometimes I am not completely sure. Follow me at @Juanelev

Herramientas que uso para crear The Green Bee Podcast. Uso micrófono, móvil, grabadora y cámara. En la pantalla se ve el programa audacity que es el que uso para montar el podcast

The Green Bee Podcast, el vuelo a las ondas

Juan Villanueva 17 Enero 2023 La Abeja Verde ha volado a las ondas sonoras y ha polinizado la plataforma Anchor, de Spotify. En The Green Bee Podcast hablaremos de noticias relacionadas con la crisis climática que nos ayuden a comprender el problema. Por ahora será desde Málaga, España, por lo que muchos temas tendrán tintes …

The Green Bee Podcast, el vuelo a las ondas Leer más »

Lewis Pugh has swum all seas for ocean protect. Thistimehe has been in the red sea to call for ocean protect. His dream is tohave protected 30% of the ocean by 2030. Juan Villanueva

UN´s Oceans Patron swims across the Red Sea calling for ocean protection

Juan Villanueva 27th October 2022 Less than 10 days left for the COP27 in Sham El Sheikh, Egypt, and the UN´s Ocean Patron, Lewis Pugh, has swum there, claiming ocean protection to world leaders. “Since that day, every swim I have done has been to highlight a crisis in our oceans, from plastic pollution to …

UN´s Oceans Patron swims across the Red Sea calling for ocean protection Leer más »

IUCN-Med Aniversary was celebrated in Malaga. Assistant fom across eurpoe came to Malaga and review twenty years of cosnervation. Juan Villanueva

Alboran´s fish, the main ingredient at the IUCN-Med Anniversary meal

Juan Villanueva 7th October 2022 The Green Bee From the Alboran Sea in Málaga, the tastiest thing is the Sardines skewer, without taking the credit off from other dishes within the concept of “pescaito frito”. At the IUCN-Med anniversary, the benefits of artisanal food and traditional techniques were taught. For many, climate change started when …

Alboran´s fish, the main ingredient at the IUCN-Med Anniversary meal Leer más »

Spanish search and rescue service are in charge of keeping the ocean clean and safe. the ovean´s guardians. Juan Villanueva

The ocean´s guards

Juan Villanueva 6th October 2022 There are around 8 miles from Europe to Africa at its narrowest point; Gibraltar. Through the Mediterranean’s gate, 155 huge ships sail every day, and accidents occur, even under the ocean´s guard´s watch. It’s like you divert M1 traffic to a tiny alley. So the countries in charge of a …

The ocean´s guards Leer más »

IUCN med celebró su vigésimo aniversario en Malaga junto a otras muchas organizaciones de conservación de la naturaleza. Dialogaron sobre consevación, amenazas, financiación políticas y networking para arreglar la crisis climática en el mediterráneo. conservación del mediterraneo. Juan Villanuevaa

Pescado del Alborán, el plato principal en el Aniversario IUCN

Juan Villanueva 2 Octubre 2022 Del Mar de Alborán en Málaga lo más rico son los espetos de sardinas; sin negarle el honor a otros muchos platillos considerados como “pescaito frito”. En el Aniversario de IUCN-Med, la organización referente en la conservación del Mediterráneo, se enseñaron los beneficios del alimento artesanal y las técnicas tradicionales …

Pescado del Alborán, el plato principal en el Aniversario IUCN Leer más »

Extinction Rebellion demands to declare climante emergency. Ectinction Rebellipn demands climate emergency. They organise pacific disruption. They gather hundreds of people. Published in The Green Bee: Eco-Journalism. Author Juan Villanueva climate protests

October is gonna hold climate protests all across Europe

Juan Villanueva 29th September 2022 This summer, we have had a lot of hot days, wildfires and daughters. The planet is crossing tipping points, and it is because the anthropogenic climate change. For that, an international activist network is leading climate protests. In that network, there are ten smaller groups from Europe and North America, …

October is gonna hold climate protests all across Europe Leer más »

Susana Borras is a Phd in environmental law and part of the UN scheme Nature of armony. We talk of rights of nature and Mar Menor. derechos de la naturaleza Juan Villanueva The Green Bee

“Luchamos por los derechos de la naturaleza desde el punto vista jurídico”

Juan Villanueva 15 Septiembre 2022 Poco a poco se han ido ganando derechos; derecho a la vida, derecho a la no discriminación, derecho a la salud, y un largo etcétera. Ahora, por fin, la Naturaleza se ha ganado el derecho propio a existir, esto es los llamados Derechos de la Naturaleza (Rights of Nature, RoN). …

“Luchamos por los derechos de la naturaleza desde el punto vista jurídico” Leer más »