
mujer joven con un vapeador en la mano echa el humo hacia un lado. Prohibir los vapers. Juanele Villanueva

Raquel Fernández, presidenta de la asociación No Fumar: «Hay que prohibir los vapers también o subirles el precio»

Juanele Villanueva  @juanelev Para ligar, en vez de pedir un cigarrillo la pregunta es si tienes líquido para vapear, de este o aquel sabor, cuales gustan más, qué cantidad de nicotina… Esas cosas. Y al final, como suele pasar sin que en realidad importar el tema, surgirá la magia. Solo cambiará el gancho porque se endurecen …

Raquel Fernández, presidenta de la asociación No Fumar: «Hay que prohibir los vapers también o subirles el precio» Leer más »

Material Recovery facility at Longley Lane. This plus Manchester cleaner bin lorries help the region to be cleaner. Published at The Green Bee: Eco Journalism. Author Juanele Villanueva

Citizens are gonna fix it

Waste Hierarchy: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle It’s possible to buy leftovers from restaurants before throw away In a zero-waste shop you may find most of the things of daily use GMCA organise open days in its Material Recovery Facilities

What are we NOT doing well?

Fly-tipping and other anti-social behaviour WASTE IS A REAL PROBLEM, part 2 It is the first year with less fly-tipping incidents since 2014 There was on average 144 incidents per day in Greter Manchester It was nearly £5 million in clearance costs Manchester City Council got £35,000 in fines after spent £3 millions

Greater Manchester sends more waste for burning than recycling

9 September 2019 Europe produced over 2.5 billion tonnes of waste in 2016 The Household recycling rate in the UK is 45.7% on average GMDWA sent almost 44% for recycling GMWDA only recycle pplastic bottles For years, the West has relied on third countries with softer laws for dumping its waste. But in 2017, China …

Greater Manchester sends more waste for burning than recycling Leer más »